A photographic summary of 2023
Can't stop him? Or maybe there is a way to do it.
The Earth is rushing around the sun at a speed of thirty kilometers per second. It takes three hundred and sixty-five days, five hours and forty minutes to orbit the sun.
During this time, my hard drive contained eight thousand nine hundred eighty-six photos taken in 2023. That's over twenty photos a day. Of course, much more was done, but not all of them passed the first selection. I can confidently say that I have stopped time over eight thousand times. And in some cases for many years.
These are all just numbers that can be used for statistics or in-depth analyses.
However, something completely different counts in photography. It is for this reason that I love looking at the world through the viewfinder of a camera, collecting fractions of seconds on a memory card.
What is this thing? It's hard to say. More than once, it is a complete picture that I would like to keep for myself. Other times it may be a color, texture, place or event.
I realize that everyone's perception of my photos will be different. However, for me these are priceless moments that I managed to capture.
Time travel is possible, that's what photography gives us. Despite the speed at which we rush through the cosmic abyss, it is worth stopping sometimes, looking around and taking a photo that will stay with us forever.
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